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May 17, 2005

Spoke too soon. Woke up this morning feeling gross and was tempted to cancel my appt. but I dragged myself and the baby out there. Dr. F. looked in my ears and said they are still filled with fluid and after checking my nose and throat gave me another round of antibiotics. I'd only done them for 7 days and she says in her experience it takes 10-14 to really kick it out other wise it keeps feeling like it is better and but keeps coming back.

Probably my problem all month with this lingering illness. So I have another 5 days to go and hopefully that will be the end of it for real!

Got my shot, so that's back on track. She wants me to do 1x per week for 4 weeks and then I can move to every other week. Booyah!

Going to lay down. Maybe the antibiotic will kick back fast even though I've had 4 days off of them.