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May 04, 2005

Amy, yup, it stayed down. And Julia ate all 4 0z of her soy yogurt. (Hooray!)

Now I'm contemplating dinner.

And thinking about what you wrote in your post.

"It was just one day, one minute, that I made a decision to change my life. I just need to make sure i continue making that decision, every day when I get up or every evening when I write down my food for the day."
It's pretty much what I've been thinking lately as well. Living what I believe. Not just with vegetarian/vegan eating, not just with attachment parenting, not just with fitness, not just with spiritual matters, not with just how I fit and use our home. But the whole way through, all the way across.

It's both difficult and rewarding. The cost for some, the reprogramming of habits for others.

The challenge is making it work.