Took a few days off fitness unexpectedly with all the goings on for today. We're all in varying degrees of sick still, so I didn't feel like doing all this party stuff AND trying to do walks. Paul and Julia are still napping. I'm awake, but I could nap some more myself!
Friday I went out for party groceries and cleaned most of the house. Saturday I slept a lot while Julia had a nurse-athon. That evening we went to meet our church sponsors at their home since they'd invited us to dinner. Seem like a nice young couple and we do have some thing in common so three hours flew by. When we got home I got Julia settled and then spent two hours making party food while Paul further tidied up.
This morning it was sooo hard to get up early. Just not enough sleep! But we made it to church and got through the new member ceremony and service and then had the family over for lunch. I got a lot of compliments on my orange stripe shirt -- that the color is grea ton me. Not just from relatives but other people. So this shirt has gotten me 6 or 7 compliments aleady. Never had that happen before!
We put Julia in the nursery (where my parents followed us and then wanted to linger) and then met the other relatives, guided them to where they needed to be, and then joined out new member group. The ceremony itself was brief, but very nice. Mainly going up to shake hands with people and being formally introduced to the congregation.
Apart from new member ceremony, today's topic was in light of Earth Day yesterday -- ecospirituality and the green sanctuary. Very interesting to me.
Collected the kid (with mom and dad in tow) then rounded up at our house for lunch.
Really it all went better than I thought save for a few things that I don't want to get into.
The June 2005 (don't ask me why it is out at the grocery already) issue of Oxygen is dedicated to fit moms. I don't subscribe to anythign any more in an effort to control my clutter but a skim at the store looked good so I picke dup the single issue.
Can't read it yet because every time I try Julia spies the mother and baby on the cover and starts runnign over yelling "Baaay-beeee! Baaaay-beee!" and tries to grab it.
But if she cooperates I'll do the toddler workout this week.
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