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April 17, 2005

That's funny because I've been going through the same thing re: belly looking.

I wondered if I was pregnant, If my boobs shrank so it makes my stomach seem bigger when I look down, if I could have tapeworm, is PCOS was making my uterus or ovaries strange -- all kinds of bizarre thoughts!

I just had a PAP done which came back normal and basically I seem fine visually to my doc. I see my endoc in a bit more so I'll be having someone else look at me soon.

I just took measures for this month and while my boobs haven't shrunk any to make my waist seem bigger, my butt's lost an inch. So I think it is from that -- another of part of me has changed making that area seem larger by comparison.

So maybe you could think about taking measures as well as scale stuff at your WW check ins? Then you have another means of comparison throughout your journey.