Nikki, Amy, you both inspire ME. :)
It makes it a lot easier to train/eat healthy/ lose weight/ be fit when you have company. Checking in on the blog each day helps me out a lot.
BTW, I heard from Adrith, who is settling down in her new home. She's gotten a treadmill and plans to start working out again as things are calming down. I reminded her the blog was still up and going so perhaps one day soon we'll get a surprise entry from her too. The more the merrier!
Now some things I normally don't write about a whole lot: Weight loss, poo, lactation, and periods.
I'll pick them off one at a time and report.
1) Weight loss. Generally I view this as a pleasant side effect of my pursuit of fitness. It happens when it does, how it does and I avoid getting emotionally tied up in it. However, it is a side benefit I wish to reap before my next pregnancy so while I'm casual about how it exactly comes off, I still want it to come off!
I'm 4 weeks into my personal challenge of keeping a food log and while I confess to not being totally accurate about entries, I've tracked enough to enjoy a 7 lb drop in that time. I'm shooting for a full 16 weeks logged... so when I hit the next 4, I'll report back. I expect a slow down in rate of loss. The first weeks are always seem faster.
2) Poo. Julia's doing quite well potty training and we're getting most of her poo in the potty or toilet. So I see poo up close and personal. Daily. I check her out when she's making it for signs of straining, discomfort, or problems. I check the poo visually for color, consistancy, undigested food bits, or unexplained blood.
It occurs to me that this shouldn't be a "baby only" thing. Everyone ought to take a look at their poo and think about it some rather than reach backhanded to flush it away before standing back up.
So my poo report? Matches Julia's poo. Soft, bulky, light brown in color, easy to pass, low odor, no weirdness about it like blood or undigested food, little or nothing to wipe with TP, once daily, sometimes twice. We're both doing well.
Did notice that since I've been sticking to vegan eating, both she and I had a period of farting for a bit. We've settled down. Extra fiber, while overall good, sometimes does that to you. For those wondering, I've been averaging 35 g of fiber a day in the last 4 weeks. A bit of a jump from my 25 g from before.
BTW, Julia cracks herself up and claps and bounces when she let's one rip. I try to be more discreet than that when I have to fart.
Baby Poo:
- Short version decent article, (ignore ad):
- Long verison:
But I'm still nursing and let me remind people -- underwear is good for 6 mos only.
On the panty front, you can keep on wearing them til they're falling to bits if you want. Doesn't really matter there. Panties are for coverage, not support, though sometime they work to hold pads and things for periods. Slips can go for years and years. Pantyhose until they snag or run, but otherwise quite a while too.
Bra though. They are underthings that WORK daily.
If you aren't nursing that means you can be a bit lax about your bras and kind of wait for that next sale and so on. Doesn't have to be 6 mos on the dot.
If you ARE nursing... get thee to a mall before your bra's elasticity and support poops out.
I SHOULD have gone out at 12 mos of age (Julia, not me) to restock. But noooo... now this morning I find myself in the predicament of having NOT ONE BRA that is supportive enough when I'm full of milk EXCEPT my Enell bra.
While the Enell has excellent boob-holding-in properties for a workout, but it is not meant to be a regular use bra. We're talking major compression bra. NOT good for extended daily wear as a lactating mother unless you love clogged ducts.
Free flobbling it is not an option when you wear a 46C. Esp. not a NURSING 46C.
I don't mind my pregnancy stretch marks being on my person, but I'm not looking for some extra ones in my armpits or my breasts sagging to my belly button because "The Girls" are out there alone, unharnesed, and at the mercy of the force of gravity.
The milk-heavy pendulous action when I walk is just not for me.
If I'm at the peak of my nursing cycle and full of milk and we're going to have sex? Bra stays on, sports bra for preference!
So the mall today and this time I'm going to Sharpie the date on all my bra tags so I keep up with when to replace them better.
There. You've been advised.
4) Periods. I've made the switch to cloth pads and the comfort level is stupendous. Heavenly!
And a mostly organic, mostly whole foods, mostly vegan diet helping me quite a lot with managing my PCOS and restoring regular menses.
So while in past races I haven't had to consider, much less deal with the problem of having a period during race weekend, the fact that I'm becoming regular makes me think ahead.
Overall, being regular is a good thing. We want to start TTC a few weeks after the race.
But when you are a back-of-the-pack walker, and expect to be on the course for 3+ hrs, and typically use cloth for periods and wash to re-use next time...
It poses a problem. I'm still not so regular I can tell from here in April if I will be having a period in January on race weekend.
I could take the minipill again and arrange to "skip" that cycle... but what about TTC shortly after?
I could choose a disposable product and not deal with carrying cloth to wash later but hello... I've been on the course.
The only chance at a "real" bathroom was at the entrance of Epcot and now this year the course map is different so who knows if there's a handy bathroom in a theme park on the course now.
The rest is Porta-A-Potty City and quite frankly, I'd rather take a whiz on the side of the road than stop to stand in line after sitting in stranger pee that one time I did use a porta-potty.
So what do you do with your used feminine hygiene product if it IS a dispsoable? Carry it with you? In that case, may as well do cloth and avoid the chafe! Toss it on the side as people do with water cups, sweatshirts, gel packs, etc? No way in hell. I can cope with a pee in the bushes but not a poo and def. not a used pad.
So there's the last on my list of things that people don't often talk about.
Off to try to find an answer and then when the kid wakes up... go bra shopping!
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