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April 27, 2005

Julia is def. sick. Took her to doc this morning with Paul.

Paul is better -- his blood pressure is down another 8 pts! So working on stress management and trying to get him off his blood pressure pill.

Julia is emotionally happy-go-lucky as always and had no chest congestion this morning but over the course of the day developed a runny nose, a cough, and threw up. Ack. So I'm glad I took her in this morning to be seen.

Mom Paranoia paid off.

The downer is that she's giving it to me because my throat is starting to tickle. Argh. I may be scarce over the week.

We just got home from a quick trip to the grocery before it closed for a mix of frozen food and canned food. The food itself was a mix of organic and conventional. Then Paul wanted McD's for tonight's dinner because there's one in that plaza and he was hungry and couldn't wait to heat his frozen food. I did regular groceries yesterday, not realing that I was going to start getting sick myself.

Which put me in the position to look at these recent receipts side by side and figure out that...

If I cook all the meals, I can feed all three of us (plus the pets) 80% organic food for $14 a day.

If I am ill and have to rely on prepared foods, I can feed the three of us and the pets at 50% organic for $28 a day.

I refuse to do it, but pretending Paul and I did do fast food 3 meals each a day it would cost $48. And the pets still need food and so would the baby.

So when I hear the argument that eating healthy is costly... I don't buy it. Maybe people just don't know how to shop?

When I hear the argument that eating healthy takes more work, yeah, I can agree on that. More work going out to shop for the food, prepare it, etc.