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May 09, 2005

Day 1 -- Cat's Boot Camp

1. Yoga every day for active rest. Other exercise added as I recover.
2. Keep a food log.
3. Eat in except for lunch on Mother's Day.
4. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
5. Eat 5 fruits and veggies each day.

Bonus: Fix my gym membership billing.

4 out of 5 = 80% or "B" grade.

Busy day today -- no workout. Paul kept asking me today if I was ok and I am. Just not enough sleep and then all this stuff going on. Add that I'm not totally all there and my antibiotic makes me a bit slow... I'm not at peak performance. Better, but not at peak.

Julia's baby dedication and then lunch out and then long family visit followed by a long nap... it all went over very well. I hide a nice Mother's Day and really couldn't have asked for better. Julia took all the stimulus in stride. I think she entertained some of the congregation when she got up to dance and then tried to copy the woman doing the last hymn in sign language.

She's doing really well with potty training -- taking herself to her little potty when she has to go. Still have some accidents sometimes since she can't figure out how to get panties off well but the accidents happen on the potty. Either because she hasn't sat back far enough on the seat to get the pee into the potty insert bucket thing and it leaks over the edge of the seat or because she forgets she is wearing her underpants while sitting on there.

In a diaper or naked -- she can handle it. Even the Snappi's -- she's figured out how to get those off now. Panties she forgets she is wearing or forgets to try to take them off first and ends up peeing through them.

I was looking at my walkman (last legs, ugh) and my CD palyer (also last legs) and I think if I get through this boot camp in good shape I'm going to order an mp3 player for the gym. I need a lot of things wardrobe wise, but I know once the horrible long walks get long, I'm going to need music most of all.

I don't know how Julia will be this time around in gym daycare. Hopefully better than the last, now that she's had practice with church daycare.

I have her doc appt tomorrow sometime for her shots and then I'll want to lay low the rest of the day in case it gives her fever or something. I'm figuring maybe Thursday at the earliest I can deal with my gym billing and then go hang out with her in gym daycare for a while to start getting her acclimated. As far as when I'll be able to just leave her there and workout -- I don't know. But one thing at a time. Sick kids aren't allowed in gym day care so I have to get us both past this illness and off the antibiotics first.