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May 13, 2005

“Here's to today. Not everyday can we be filled with fresh motivation and excitement, dedication and willpower. And its at these times we need to push through it more. These times when the real life changes happen.”

I can’t agree with you more, Nikki. And Amy, it sounds like you’ve had more than enough of your share of crazy life stuff happening! Ouch -- poor toe!

Over here I’ve been laying low, pushing through my own junk. Coping with the stuff I can cope with and just letting go of the stuff I can’t.

Like family drama – not much I can do about other people. Just try to steer clear and minimize it’s affect on me.

Or disturbed home life -- I got the insurance company to send me a replacement check for the one that was missing. Finally! Once I can cash that I think we will be squared on our claim and I can get on with hiring another crew of house workers to wrap up repairs.

The next group has to be general contractor for fixing the inside of the house. Yesterday the landscaper got done with the new sod, sprinkler system etc. I want to take a week off from having strangers traipsing all around my house before I get a new crew in here.

I think Paul felt a bit guilty that I’m saddled with all the house insurance/repair stuff on my own because he came home yesterday and cleaned all the gutters for me without my asking.

So that's another thing done I don't have to deal with any more.

The weather – bloody hot. Gah. From past experience I KNOW summer is NOT my best season. Apart from hurricane season upon us again, we’re looking at scorching temps in the 100’s again. I can’t control the weather but I can control my fitness schedule.

Had a talk with Paul and he’s going to take the kid Tues and Thurs evenings and then Sat mornings. I can’t get to water aerobics at the pool because they’re done before Paul gets home from work. But gym’s got one water aerobics on Sat mornings and I can get to the gym late the other nights for cardio so… Monday I have an appt to reactivate my membership and deal with my online billing access so I don’t have to be doing this stuff in person. I have no idea why my online access is wonky but whatever. Get that straightened out and just get on with it.

The weight training is going to have to happen at home, so I’ve just cleared out our entire bedroom, rearranged furniture and set up for weights there. Before the baby I used to do it in the living room but she’s such a monkey and getting into things – too scared to have heavy stuff out for her to accidentally mess with. Just best off in a room I can close off from her.

Julia supervised my wardrobe sorting and I've got all my gym clothes cleaned, hung, organized, and ready to go. I won't have an MP3 player for a bit yet, but I've got fresh batteries for my poor tired ol' walkman.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with all the stuff I moved from the bedroom to the living room because it can’t stay there… probably a ruthless purging and send all this stuff off to charity.

That also part of the disturbed home life thing – with people coming in and around to work I have to keep moving things from one room to another to give them the space to work on the thing that needs working. I’m fed up with it. Simpler just to own less stuff!

But some things are falling into place -- antibiotics are done, sinus infection dealt with. Allergist appt Tues, endoc schedule for August, have to get a dental cleaning in there next week sometime, Paul's labs came back normal (hooray!), kid's caught up with her medical stuff....

While not as good as doing what I want to be doing, there's a lot of satisfaction to getting my ducks in a row.