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March 31, 2005

Tired. Just got in. Was at local Whole Foods vegetarian/vegan food sampling and store tour. Fun, but feet tired.

Paul liked to tofu corquettes the best. Julia liked the lentil quinoa with chard. I pretty much liked it all except I skipped the Silk yogurt (Julia eats it at home already, I don't like it being so sweet) and the cheese doodle things because I don't eat those at all. Ever set one on fire? Nobody ought to eat something that blazes up like that. Organic or not. Ew.

At store noticed I was breathing through both nostrils. Intersting because I've read it takes 7 days or so for excess mucus to clear your system when you give up dairy products. It's only been like 3 1/2. So we'll see how I'm doing in another 3 1/2 days.

More later.