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March 24, 2005

It's been a while. Olivia's been sick and we've been staying with my folks. Haven't had much time, but now we're back and trying to find our schedule again. Unfortunately with her sick and not sleeping well, it's hard to find that schedule. I hate seeing her sick. This is the first time and it's just sad and wretched.

Cat - I think people give their input on "how to raise kids" and their opinions on everything you do because they think they've figured out the "right way" and what worked and they want to spare you from having to try everything else. I think they think they're doing you a favor. They fail to realize that it's important for us to find our own footing and that just because what worked for their kids, doesnt mean it's THE way.

I know there were things I was set on and planned to do with Olivia that flew right out the window when I had her. :) I think you're wise to just not tell them too much, it only frustrates. I know I've so often felt out of place or "watched" with the ways I raise Olivia. I guess it's because my ways are part tradition, part 'alternative' I guess would be the word. So with any group, I felt like the odd one out now and then. I hope if there is a next time AND just in the future with her, I'm able to feel strong and firm on my ways and take comments with a grain of salt.

Amy - Go you for doing so well with your meal planning, journaling and have fun with your new vids! Belly dancing sounds like fun! Also CONGRATS to your husband for reaching his weight goal. He rocks!

I've been doing pretty badly with my eating as of late. No, not just going over point. Just living like I"m not watching my weight at all. It lasted for two days and maybe it's out of my system, mabye not. But it's good to be home. I find it difficult to stay on plan when I'm out of my usual environment, that's something that needs a lot of work. I havent' gained a load of weight, which I deserved to, but I'm moving forward.

Easter Plans? Probably packing up and visiting my folks for the day. I'd like to go to church, but they get soooo packed. Sadly enough, I can only think about germs. I can't wrap Olivia up in a hamster ball forever, padded with cotton balls. I guess it's just since she's sick for the first time, all I think of is all the germs out to get her. I dont' feel like visiting my foks the whole weekend like they always want, it just gets us too out of schedule.