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March 16, 2005

Today is a new day...

I don't know why that is my title. I didn't wake up this morning feeling particularly refreshed, rejuvinated or newly committed. Maybe that's my title because that's how I want to feel. I think I need to take it into my own hands and not just wait for the feeling of recommitting to conveniently pass me by chance. Who knows when that day will come otherwise, and how much I'll gain by then.

So, I'm typing out a meal plan and a grocery list. I do not like meal plans. I'm not much of an organized person. I'm total ADHD and I get sidetracked so easily - exactly why I chose now of all time to write a journal entry... and procrastinate. I mean, we've always had grocery lists and dinner plans. But what I need to do is plan down to every meal and snack. I need to be like WW with my water and check the boxes off on the marker board on the fridge each day. Hmm...

I need to take charge and make a change. Even if this means... gulp... planning ahead. This is the only way to find permanent success, to continue to move forward and reach my goals. Otherwise, they will just remain goals that I dream, fantasize, wish about. I want to pass them... reach goals, make them piddley things of the past!

Olivia has been very demanding as of late. She is sooo busy, moving around all the time, needing to be stimulated, carried. I decided to sling her yesterday because of how much she wanted to be carried and look around. She was one happy baby. Now that she's older, she's loving it even more. Note to self: Make sling that expands wider at the back... owww.

Oh yes, and I desperately need to get working out. Enough talk... ACTION! I know if I work that hard I'll be less inclined to 'mess it up' with bad food choices. List time!