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March 06, 2005

Amy - Thanks for the kudos of BF-ing. It has been a long hard road for Liv and I. It has never been easy and she's been supplemented with one bottle from the start.

Recently, though, she seems to be losing interest. I think it has a lot to do with being active and always looking around and not staying latched long enough to stimulate let down. My let down has always taken over a minute and that's a while to keep a kid interstd.

Either way, our BF-ing is slowing down. My goal was to make it to 6 mo. and we have done so. My next goal is to 12 mo. I wouldn't mind continuing once a day or something til she's around 18 mo. We'll see if she makes it. I'm not too fussed. Oops, I did go on and on there, didn't I? And this isn't a baby blog!

Glad week 8 went well for you, Amy, and here's to making week 9 even better! Sounds like with all the new painting and renovations, your house is gonna be lookin' great!

Cat - P.E. was a requirement in my HS until 12th grade. And I loved it! Getting out of a desk for a little while per day! We don't invest nearly enough in our children. It bothers me that funds are being cut for music and arts in schools and that we don't have enough real world classes for school kids like money management!!

Well, we're here at my mom's for the weekend. I love my parents and will miss them when they move, but coming down here creates so many new challenges.

For instance, nursing. Can only do that up in my room as my father isn't comfortable with it and we've always got people stopping by and they all just walk in. I wouldn't care if they all caught sight of my boob, but my parents are shy about that sort of thing.

Then, there's all the food temptation. At our house, we've got Paul's goodies, but there are my alternatives if I want to snack.

Then my parents always want us all to eat out, and it's tough to stay on plan when everyone around you is biting into a huge burger or a hill of mashed potatoes. But it's no excuse for my lack of self control. I gave in to a few things yesterday and was a bit bummed when I saw I gained weight that evening. Although, it's obvious with food in you that hasn't yet gone out, you're gonna be a bit heavier, but just seeing the scale go up like that made me realize, the peice of this and that that I ate yesterday isn't worth weight gain and I'm looking forward to keeping myself in line today. :)

YAYEE Amy for feeling back to your pre-preg self! I have a few pics of myself at this weight, in underwear before I was pregnant. Now I'm back at pre-preg weight, I took another pic. My body may weigh the same, but it's definately different. I didn't get too down about it, though - I'm working and succeeding at self acceptance and love! Because what a great thing to pass onto Olivia, right? I think it's awesome that you're feelng fitter and smaller.

Hope you're all having a great weekend. I sure did go on, didn't I?