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February 26, 2005

Hello, I'm Nikki. I was invited to join your fine blog, by Cat. Thanks, Cat!

So here goes my intro: 23 yrs old, married for 4 yrs, 7 mo. old daughter, Olivia.

For show-off purposes: oliviajoyonline.blogspot.com.

I am also a PCOS-er, very big girl. I weighed 306 at 40 wks pregnant, then after having Olivia, my weight settled months later, at 286. I knew that I was gonna have to work to get it off and it wasn't actual "pregnancy weight". It began.

Weight Watchers. I've had success with them in the past, so I started doing it on my own again. However, we all know it's tough staying accountable to yourself. But fighting to keep my eating in check (I have a big binging problem) and exercising 3 times a week, I fought off 15 lbs.

Why did I suddenly want to quit even though I was having success? Fear of success, who knows.

Happy about the 15 lbs, "celebrating" the loss with food - yeah, that makes a lot of sense... not.

I started The South Beach Diet on February first with a girlfriend. I don't follow it exactly, but I cut out the white flour, potatoes and added sugar and excess fat. Thus far, I've dropped an additional 10 lbs. Happy that I no longer crave breads, potatoes and pasts with the lust I did before, I still have a hankerin' for sugar... chocolate, cakes, cookies, ice cream. I know I could now enjoy them in moderation, but I choose not to at this point because I don't feel I'm strong enough to move on... and not revert to my old bingeing habits. In time, I'll find that control.

Anyway, I started this past week to start exercising again. I didnt for the first 3 weeks because I felt sooo sluggish - and also very curious as to how this diet could be good for me if I'm feeling sluggish.

Now, it's passd and I feel wonderful and we all know that with exercise comes even more energy.

So, I'm feeling good and looking forward to the road in front of me.

Although it may not lead to Orlando (well perhaps for a visit one day), I root both you, Cat and Amy (and Paul, and are there other marathon bloggers here, to you as well then) on your upcoming marathon. Very exciting!

I've blabbered on enough and say thanks for sharing your space. Have a great weekend all. Perhaps next time I'll answer those questions ya'll answered below. Another long blabbering email, hurrah, hurrah!