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February 15, 2005

Paul is home sick. I don't know if he will be up for watching Julia while I go to the allergist or if he will want for me to take her with me like I usually do.

No produce delivery today. I'm sad. But we've got plenty left from last week's basket so I did not order for this week.

I was reviewing my food log and some things worth noting...

1) Switching back to veg*n after a little over 1.5 years of non-vegetarian eating was a snap. I thought I was going to have some lingering hang ups like the first time I made the change but perhaps because it is already familiar it wasn't. My only hang up is cheese because I've yet to find a good soy cheese in regular markets and we now live 15+ miles from Whole Foods instead of 2 like before. Shopping over there is a lot harder when I have an infant in tow and interstate traffic to contend with. It has to be a planned event. It's not like driving really quick like when we lived at our townhouse. If I forgot something it was no biggie to just go get it and be back in 10 minutes.

2) I don't regret going non-veg and doing the suggested gestational diabetic diet in pregnancy and continuing it to Julia's first year. But as I meet the challenge of raising her veg*n, I feel more confident about doing my second pregnancy veg*n from start to finish. The pregnancy part is no longer new, and I know things now I didn't know then -- like how to pitch my expectations, manage my milk supply, etc.

3) Cooking is a bit of a challenge with a kid underfoot. She can see herself in the stove so she's obsessed with her reflection. Every time I open the fridge she runs over to look inside. So I like to do the bulk of my cooking when she's napping. That's also become a planned, deliberate thing. I can't just whip something up whenever I feel like.

4) One challenge is still exercise with baby in tow. I'm still trying to figure out how to make is work, and make it work not just for one day, but consistently. If it were all about me, I could deal. But it's not just about MY personal schedule for the day. It is making my schedule work with Julia's and Paul's. All three working in sync. Because I can't just take off without someone to watch her, and that someone has to be Paul.

5) And that's the biggest challenge. Paul. He's been slightly irritating me when he's supposed to be watching her lately. But that's just part and parcel of a larger issue, one that was there before Julia. Long story short? He keeps bizarre hours, skips meals, does not actively pursue healthy habits, and I can't stand watching it because I miss time with him, I worry about his health, and it irritates me that he doesn't value routine as much as I do.