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February 06, 2005

I'm being challenged. But I'm coping.

Friday's allergy shot was ugh. I reacted to it and got hot/itchy and swollen at the injection site so I had to hang about to see if it would worsen or not. Lucky, it didn't, but it was still REALLY itchy and uncomfortable.

Julia's teething. Her top teeth are coming in and she's in quite a bit of pain and feverish. She's been drooling excessively, biting me when we nurse, gnawing on her fingers, and cranky. Friday night/Sat morning she shot up to 101.4 deg so we had to give her baby Tylenol to bring it back down.

This morning we got a call from Mom to tell me Dad went to hospital for chest pain. He spent all day there but he's home again. Going to pop over there after church to see him and how he is but a very scary day. Not as bad as last year's heart attack and emergency surgery and him having to be helicoptered to another hospital but still... yargh!

I got partial groceries this evening instead of full groceries. My trip to Whole Foods was bumped off to next week because I wanted to be near the phone for Dad updates.

Now that I know he's home again and ok, I can go deal with making food ahead for next week.

Let's home Sunday is calmer than my Friday and Saturday.