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February 28, 2005

Well, this weekend went okay. I don't seemed to have gained anything.
That's progress in my book.

Go Amy on the protein for breakfast! It totally makes a difference in keeping those cravings away. I have an omelet for breakfast nearly every morning and have for the past month. I'm not crazy about eggs, but I'm getting used to them. I used to get sugar dips all the time, but now that I have a protein in the morning, I haven't had one in a month and they really help out the cravings. Yayee.

I need to work on? Night cravings. We've been eating dinner earlier these days - around 6:30, which is great! (I had tofu steak last night, it was really heavy and filling, so that's something we'll do more often. Eggplant we did too, that is good and filling.)

We used to eat sooo late, no wonder I had a problem losing weight. New problem, I now get really "peckish" as my husband would say and I want to snack all night long. I need to limit it to one serving of a snack per evening AND stop eating after 8:30, or else I know this weight loss will NOT continue.

I brought a journal downstairs and my nail polish stuff, so next time I wanna graze around the kitchen I can either write down why I feel this way, maybe the feeling will pass and if not, change my nail color and let it pass!

What did we do this weekend? We took the dog to the dog park. Olivia just beamed and squealed at all the dogs running around. Got the fridge cleaned out - yayeee!
I made up a weeks worth of baby food: pears, sweet potato, carrots and peas. Those peas were a pain in the you-know-what to deshell and a few shells ended up in the final product, but they do store bought as well, so I'm sure Olivia will be able to handle it. Enough talk of non-weight-related stuff.

I got 45 min of cardio in on Saturday, but not formal exercise on Sunday - just the walking from grocery shopping and going to the park. Good week to all!