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March 19, 2005

Day 1 down...

Today was Day 1 of WW. Not too shabby. I ate and felt very content by the end of the day. Made wonderful choices... just took a bit of preparation, which I'm not famous for, but I survived the day.

It's important that I am able to be open to cook more than just dinner. I dont want Olivia growing up on Ramen and Mac n cheese. Like me! Mm... ramen with egg. Mm.. mac n cheese.

I worked my BUTT off! It's been a couple months since I've gone to the gym. Olivia got a bit of socialization and I got "me" time. Good thing her favorite daycare worker was there as she had the anxious look on her face when we walked in.

I worked out... HARD. And the newest thing, I NEVER stopped pushing myself further. That was a big happy happy joy moment to testify of my recent weight loss. When I can't see it in the mirror, I can feel it in being able to really push myself during work outs and when I wanna give up, being able to push through it instead of feeling like Im gonna collapse on the floor reaching for my inhaler. Very cool and exciting.

I ate every last point as well, including those I earned. Olivia is down to nursing 2-3 times a day, only one of the nursings being an actual meal. So, I didnt' add in the extra 10 pts nursing moms get. I allowed myself an extra 6, even though that might be too much, right now I'd rather be safer than sorry.

So, feeling good and hopeful about tomorrow. Had some pineapple for desert. It was yum!