So I've been keeping a food log for a little over a month. I was reviewing my graphs to see how I'm doing.
Here's where I'm averaging:
- Calories 2000
- Carbohydrate = 260 g (52%)
- Protein = 75 g (15%)
- Fat = 68 g (31%)
- Saturated Fat = 27
- Cholesterol = 126
- Fiber = 27
- Sodium = 3069
The only two areas where I come out of range because of excess is sodium and saturated fat. Have to work on that. The other thing to work on is my timing... My meals are all random -- I need to eat every four hours to keep blood glucose stable. So I ahve to get better abotu cookgin ahead because the demands of the baby aren't going to let me eat properly jstu on the fly. Otherwise the proverbial slapdash sandwich, and of course, the bread is a big sodium hog.
One thing leads to another.
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