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March 29, 2005

  • What: rest day

Took today as a rest day from exercise. Struggling with insomnia. I've had very little sleep in the last 4 days. There's a lot on my mind.

I'm feeling a bit anxious about signing the membership book at class Wed night. How often does a person change their religion in life?

Then there's extended family stuff I'm worrying over. Don't really want to get into that here, but it's there in my head, chewing away at my peace of mind.

Then on another level house craziness... Sprinkler guy came all day long and dug up the lawn and sprayed to kill grass and he comes back tomorrow. I have to hang around babysitting them.

Water company hasn't called me back re: new water meter for sprinkler water.

Roofing company has not called me back re: completion of roof job. What do I need to sign off on now? Are we done with payment? Return my messages!

I've asked my playgroup moms for help with getting the backyard into shape and I'll be hosting a working playdate. Never did that before and I hope I get a response to the invite, and more importantly... some helping hands!

I have to struggle to find a general contractor to come mend the INSIDE of the house now that they outside is about done.

I have to call some backflow vlave people to do a backflow thing for the new water meter (once it is installed).

I have to check the hurricane supplies and make sure we're restocked before another season starts in May and things are bought out at the stores. Especially storm tape for the windows.

My parents called wanting to come over to play with Julia. My day was already crazy by this point so what was one more thing? I asked them to do me a favor since they live nearby to one and bring me some Uhaul boxes when they came over. I discovered Mom brought me 4 small and 4 medium when I asked for 12 small.

She said she thought the smalls were too small so got me mediums. I thanked her and paid her back for them, but now I have to go return the 4 mediums and get 8 smalls. So I STILL have to go to Uhaul this week. Argh. When someone is doing you a favor and trying their best, it's not nice to be poopy about it.

But my parents still sometimes can't understand that I know my own mind, and when I say a thing is, it just IS. So I was a little peeved Mom is still second guessing me after all these years. I don't want to cause my back problems and small boxes are all I want to be carrying. I'd rather use a lot of smalls than struggle or get hurt lugging mediums about.

She'd asked me earlier why I don't use trash bags and I said I have a toddler who runs around and I wanted boxes so the things would be enclosed firmly until I get Salvation Army to come out and car them off. Then if she bops into a sturdy box, not a big deal. If she bops into a flimsy bag with some sharp pokey thing or breakable in it -- then what? She gets hurt!

Where's the common sense?! I do what I do for a REASON, people!

Actually, when Mom started bugging me about some other choice I made Dad surprised me by saying "Do you live here? Are you the one paying? Is it your business? Leave the girl alone!" Been getting along with Dad much better than Mom lately now that I think about it. I'll have to reflect on this some more later.

Had a long talk with Monique on the phone today -- I have to send her a card for being so great listening to me rant and rave. I feel a lot better after talking to her.

Now that I've had a nap, nursed the kid, and she's down for a bit, I want to take advantage of the free time to sort out my produce delivery from this morning and get a jump start on cooking for the week. I'm off!