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March 25, 2005

I find it difficult to stay on plan when I'm out of my usual environment, that's something that needs a lot of work.
I don't blame you. I greatly dislike being out of my environment too. Particularly when it comes to dining out with other people and they want to go to places I dislike or am not familiar with.

Even at my most lax, I still am concerned about blood glucose levels and greasy food. I may not grumble quite as much about vegetarian vs vegan, but the blood glucose is always a top priority. Then when I'm being stricter, I do get grouchy over lack of vegan options. These things are important to me.

So when people don't tell me in advance where we are going so I can plan ahead what I want to order, I get really irritable because it makes staying on track that much harder.

Websites like http://www.dietfacts.com/fastfood.asp help a lot and in order to take advantage of it, I have to know where we are going.

I know other people don't have the health issues or health food interests I do, and that's fine. They can have whatever it is they fancy. But I want to be able to have what I fancy too.