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April 04, 2005

Well, had a good first official week at WW. I changed my meeting location and didn't really care for the group. This bothers me and I'm going to try another time and location because I think it's important. I lose 5.6 lbs and I'm happy.

I don't know what's with me, though. I'm having a hard time thinking positively. I used to be Miss Sunshine, but lately I've been Polly Pessimistic. Like during my weigh in, I thought - that's great! Then I thought, well, the first week you always lose a lot, it's only a matter of time until you gain and then quit.

JEESH!! I am my BIGGEST obstacle! I loathe that side of me and have been journaling a lot
and trying to focus on the positive to change this. I don't know what it's about. Maybe I've got a lot of thinking to do, maybe I need to do LESS thinking.

On another note, I got in some exercise today, so I'm pleased. I'm tired, though. Olivia has been resisting napping and has cut the nap she does get (after crying) to 10-15 minutes before she's awake again! ARGHHH! Maybe she just doesn't need them anyway, but the fact that she went from three naps a day, that equaled 3 hrs total and now sleeps about an hour today in two naps combined, is exhausting. Let it be a phase!

I'm glad to hear you ladies are doing well, though. And I will pass this silly funky patch of mine and stop being such a Nancy Negativity.