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April 05, 2005

Cat - No wonder you're tense with all the roof hubbub! I can't believe you're still wrestling with this whole ordeal. I'm so sorry to hear that! That's great that you've got such self control, especially when it comes to eating on the run. And also great that you "felt" oily after some fries.

Usually, during a "bad" times of year, fast food doesn't phase me. But after I've been eating healthily for a while, I can "feel" greasy, non-nutritious food. So great to hear that you've got some help with yardwork. Very awesome!

Amy - Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am my biggest obstacle, and with the way I've been binging each day, I've got a looong way to go. But ho hey, moving forward! That's very cool about your extra walk! Wonderful!

I saw "Supersize Me" a few months ago. Very cool thing for that guy to do, do bring forward such an issue. I do believe that part when he said he started to need and crave the food, that it actually changed him emotionally. That's what's happening.

It didn't bother me so much as we as adults can choose what we eat and McDs is only offering us their products. BUT, like you, it did upset me with how much they advertise towards young people. They're newest campaigns have their golden arches flashing up on "health" commercials as well. They know exactly what they're doing. Guh!

The dollar menu? It's a shame! On one hand, for some people it's awesome to get fed for a ridiculously low price, on the other hand, it's becoming the easy thing. It's cheaper to feed a family shite food. Well, I cant only change our own family and I hope I can make good decisions and teach Olivia what's good for her.

Its like those commercials and baby ads that say by the age of 15 months, the most popular vegetable is a french fry! Gosh!

Been having some rough times with Olivia. She has cut down from 3 naps a day, to 2. That's okay with me, but it seems she's always crying herself to sleep. She used to be so good at going down for a nap, now, it's so rough. But it's a phase I'm sure.

I'm just glad she's well and I hope she stays well. It makes me nervous going back to the gym with her. I don't want her to get sick again. I could wait until the evenings, but it's so busy then and I've already paid for a year's worth of child care. Paul will feel like it's a waste and then I have no time with him. Sigh... I'll figure something out. I know that 1:30 to 3:30 is the least busy time in the daycare. Maybe I'll even bring lysol wipes to wipe down the equipment I know she uses. But her favorite daycare worker carries her a lot, and 50 other kids a day, who knows. Sorry, this isn't a baby diary.

Ohh, something that will certainly have me moving more... Liv is crawling! Very cool and exciting!