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September 29, 2005

Changing Focus

I hear the total for the auction fundraiser was more like $13,000. Whee! :)

I'm tired. This cold is taking it's time leaving, so we spent my 30th birthday at home and very low key. Paul's going around telling me I'm a "dirty thirty" because I've reached my "triple-X" age. (XXX).

Been doing some work for playgroup -- this weekend I have to help Gretchen with the booth at a veg festival and then there's the preschool event in another 2 weeks.

THEN I will be done, done, done with fundraisers for the year and can change focus to Disney, Disney, Disney.

I have to leave for work early today and get some Xerox done so I'm going to sneak a peek at the gym construction site. I hope it opens very soon!