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August 26, 2005

11:15 PM

  • Planned: 30 min XT
  • Actual: 20 min easy intervals (program 4, 1 mile)

Here I am again. Back at 11 PM again. Tired again.

Sick too.

Today I stayed late at preschool and Paul came in after work. We both hung late to help move all the furniture out of the rooms because this weekend there's a person coming to put in new tile floor. Also working on buying new furniture so it is going to be an exciting year in those classrooms.

The trouble was all the dust and dirt we stirred up. My allergies went nuts and I have a scritchy throat now.

Julai was a bit of a grump too because she missed her afternoon nap. Got very fussy and irritable.

Didn't feel like doing 30 min of cross-training. So fell back on my standby -- program 4, easy intervals, turned on TV and zoned out til it was done.

That's all I can say about it -- it got done. Some days that's all there is.