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August 19, 2005

Woke up this morning and checked the scale. I have mixed feelings of "Yay!" and "Argh!"

-57.5 lbs done. Another 2.5 to go to make it to -60. There's the "yay!" I had a slight rise and now I'm back down and very close to an even number lost.

And then another -27.5 past that to make it to what my dietitian thought is a reasonable weight for me with PCOS/hypothyroid. There's the "argh!" That there's still a ways to go and with every pound lost, it gets harder to get it down further.

I don't want to think about trying to "better" than that goal til I actually get there and I'm trying to feel good that I'm 2/3 of the way there.

But my thoughts run more to the "Grrr... bloody hell... I've done 30 ish pounds not once, but TWICE, and I have to do ANOTHER 30 ish pounds AGAIN? When can I bloody well maintain?!"