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July 01, 2005

Amy -- you rock! WTG on the walks! Sorry the feet hurt, but funny you mention Panera soup and salad. Guess what my dinner was last night?

I'd gone to B&N last night to meet up a new friend for chit chat and Paul and I decided to dine next door at Panera before I was supposed to meet her.

Tonight? Get the kid to sleep, plunk in John Water's A Dirty Shame, and spend some time on the couch with Paul thinking about NOTHING.

I'm getting good at juggling baby care plus one thing, but making the leap from juggling baby care plus MANY things... that's a challenge. Baby, house, church, playgroup, half marathon, and soon... PT job.

But I'm close to wrapping up my fundraising obligations for church. 1000 envelopes down, 1000 to go. Fielded a lot of calls about event planning today, went to my old neighbor's house, making arrangements. She generously is donating all the contents of her summer house for the church charity auction! She sold the house and doesn't want anything that is in itso she's giving it to me for the auction and I have to figure how to move a house's contents and store it til the date. Next week. Ack.

It dawns on me that even though I really don't want to take this on as a career path, being an event coordinator has its interesting side.

Been working a bit for the playgroup too -- our founder wants to take it to non-profit eventually so that's another worthwhile thing I'm doing... but it's another time drain.

Anyway, once these last envelopes leave I can call it sort of done because then I'm not needed again until the auction is here and I have to go help the decorating committee. That I don't mind much because I'm not chairing that commitee like I am donations. I don't have to do anything "responsible."

I just have to show up with helping hands the day before and let someone boss me around and tell me what to do. Then I go to the event. And then show up the day after to take everything down. Piece of cake.