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June 17, 2005

I feel like I do "drive by posting" lately. So busy fundraising! and the drama never stops...

Believe it or not... workout today was 30 min walk en famille. Julia in a sling on me. Paul and me barefoot, knee deep in water and armed with cameras.

We had a bad storm and the drains were closed, so we flooded! So we hiked around taking pix for insurance and junk. He had to park his car 1/4 mile away and slosh home. We took a pix of that too.

The landscaper who came this morning to in stall my last bit of sod? I called him first and told him there were kids going by in a raft and what should I do if my sod up and flaots off and he was in disbelief.

Shoot, *I* am in disbelief.

Julia was hooting out the window at the kids "Pool! Pool!" because she thought it was time for her to swim.

Now tomorrow I have to call city draina nd stree people. Grrr.