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June 07, 2005

Today's To do List:
  • feed pets
  • bills
  • dishes
  • diaper laundry
  • clean kitchen
  • post office
  • gym billing change
  • mow back lawn
  • bake muffins for neighbors as thank you for house sitting
  • regular laundry wash
  • regular laundry dry
  • regular laundry put away
  • clean living room
  • sort produce delivery
  • make dinner
  • clean car
  • get car detailed
Gah. I know I'm not going to get all this done -- I'm just hoping to get the bulk done so there's less tomorrow.

Over breakfast I did double check my schedule. I still have another month to go before starting. I'm doing Hal Higdon's 12 week novice schedule twice for the half marathon. Which mean I have to start 7/25.

Which means from here til 7/25 I can just repeat week 1 over and over. I'm going to try to just pick it up whenever I get through this chore list. Maybe late tomorrow... maybe Thurs. But here it is:

Mon: stretch & strength (lower)
Tues: 3 miles
Wed: 2 miles or cross train
Thurs: 3 miles + strength (upper)
Fri: Rest
Sat: 30 min cross
Sun: 4 m
Likely I'm going to swap saturday and sunday workouts a lot. I just have too much going on Sundays with church junk to be dealing with long days then. Saturdays are better.

Damn. Just thought of another thing for the chore list. Get batteries for my HRM. I tired to do that before vacation and I couldn't get the back off it to see waht kind of battery it takes. I'll have to get Paul to get the back off somehow.