- Planned: 2 miles treadmill walk
- Actual: 5 min warm-up and cool down @ 2.5 mph, 2 miles @ 3.5 mph
Amy -- second round of Hal Higdon schedule starts 10/17.
Paul got an hour walk in last night watching the pilot to The X-Files. So this was good. I knocked more junk off my list last night and this morning.
Which includes dropping $110 on my gym billing. I'm still pissed off about the billing snafu and my being penalized $50 that I don't think is fair, but as a concession I got 3 mos of daycare free out of the manager I was talking to ($30) so I'll take the net $20 as a loss.
Point is, my gym card is back on, I have kid care lined up for the kid, so
there.I ought to be good for this summer, in a gym whose air conditioning system doesn't bonk seasonally. (Hear that Bally's? ) Gah.
And there's water aerobics on Sat. Whee.
So now I'm trying to finish off my list so I can start the gym thing without naggling little errands.
And we're back with more people at my house... this time painters painting it. Roofer, landscaper, now painter. Maybe we can get general contractor in and out of here too and then take a much needed break from all this house junk!
Walk was brisk --
Deep Throat episode of the X Files. Basically a straight 3.5 all the way through. Wasn't in the mood for intervals.
Debated doing it at 3.8 mph but I'm not ready to go there in this bra. I need to do some shopping for a middle bra. Something in between a snug regular bra (which is fine for very slow walking) and an Enell (which is good for lots of impact, but really not what I want to wear all the time. It's ok when I'm empty but when I'm full of milk... not my fav feeling.
I'll have to cruise the Title 9 catalog and see what's out there in Bra Land.