Am I goddess yet?
So on Sat. my new friend Kym and I got together at her house to practice belly dancing again.
Although I haven't been writing about it, that's what I've been doing the last two weeks. Snake arms, washing machine hips, wrist circles, shimmies, and all that other stuff.
We both wore white T-shirts and Kym lent me a black skirt, a coin belt, a veil and the Goddess Workout on tape in case I wanted to view it before we went on Sunday.(intro to bellydance thing)
Paul and Julia had a good time watching us jiggle around and gosh, does it ever get HOT!
Sunday morning was a bit crazed because apart from having to dance, there were a few cases of crossed wires but in the end they got sorted out. Someone else covered while I had to be practicing in the morning and then perorming with Kym and right after we finished I dashed off to do Sunday school in the nursery.
It was partially planned and partially imrpovised since the dancers never got to actually practice in the church with the drummers until 30 min before going on but we managed ok. Got a lot of compliments from other people at coffee hour later so I suppose we put a good face in it despite feeling a bit wacky behind the scenes.
My favorite part of the whole thing other than getting to make a spectacle of myself was dancing down the aisle and seeing Julia pop up with her happy face yelling "Mommy dance!" and trying to dance along with me.
I took Paul to a park he hadn't bene to for lunch as a surprise. He said he enjoyed it and we'll do it again some other time.
That night we had to go to some Yougn Adult thing and after heather came over to hang out for a bit. That was nice.
Things on the family front are a bit strange. The holiday pressure building. Not so nice.
Work this morning was really cute. Evan got a little anxious when Mom left but he settled down with me pretty fast and he and Julai made me laugh interacting over playdough. Those two are buddies and it's funn watching them sort out problems like who gets what cookie cutter and who gets to drink the juice from Evan's lunchbox.
This week -- back to gym walks. No more bellydancing performaces to practice for.
Though I've learned that as an alternative workout, I could get into this bellydancing thing. :)
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