Mylanta quest
My parents are coming over with my sister and bring lunch. Slightly better change in plans than us all going out to eat for lunch because I still feel gross. I have to pop into the grocery store and gets some odds and ends before I go to work and while there I need to get some Mylanta.
I was reading backwards in my journals and every holiday I've been something of a grump except for the holiday where the two family celebrations were NOT back to back.
Gee... what does that tell you? We're too overscheduled at Christmas.
Not what I want Julia to be experiencing as she grows up --a cranky ass mom every holiday. :P
Paul came home and brought Julia another present. I told him he's going beserk with it this year and he admits he is. We let her have two presents early so he gave her the pots and pans she just brought in and I gave her some wooden vegetables and right away she started "cooking" us things.